Downsizing? What do you do with all your stuff?
I have noticed a recurring dilemma facing many of my clients, they are moving and don’t know what to do with all their stuff. Baby boomers and their parents are downsizing at the same time. Both generations have collections and family heirlooms they don’t know what to do with and their children don’t want. Collections include anything from furniture, art, china, silver, crystal, jewelry, rugs, family photos, books, designer fashions, small keepsakes and even holiday decorations. These collections have both sentimental and financial value and the idea of just getting rid of them is very difficult. However, the reality is younger generations live very different lifestyles and they don’t want all of their parent’s and grandparents’ stuff.
So, what can you do now.
Start asking the people close to you if they will want any of your collections. If the answer is no don’t take it personally, they love you just not all your stuff.
Find out the true value of your more expensive items to help determine what you will do with them.
For less valuable items look into options to give your treasures new homes – there are tons of charitable organizations you can donate to.
Simplify your move, declutter your life and your home, and allow someone else to enjoy the things you no longer need.